
Legal Information

Lukas Wiesehan

Lukas Wiesehan

Designer & Developer


LW Works GmbH
Mühlenbruchsweg 5
27432 Oerel

Registration: Amtsgericht Tostedt, HRB 210553
Manager: Lukas Wiesehan


Tax Information

Tax ID: 52/200/70408
VAT ID: DE365245171

Limitation of Liability

The content of this online offering has been created meticulously and according to our current state knowledge, but is for informational purposes only and does not create any legally binding effect, unless it concerns legally required information (e.g., imprint, privacy policy, terms of service, or mandatory consumer notices). We reserve the right to modify, partially or completely delete the content, provided the contractual obligations remain unaffected. All offers are non-binding.

Contents from third-party websites that we directly or indirectly link to are beyond our area of responsibility and we do not endorse them. The provider of the linked websites is solely responsible for all content and particularly for damages resulting from the use of information accessible on these linked websites.

Copyrights and Brand Rights

All content displayed on this website, such as text, photographs, graphics, brands, and trademarks are protected by the respective protective rights (copyright, brand rights). The use, reproduction, etc., are subject to our rights or the rights of the respective copyright holders or rights administrators.

If you discover any legal infringements within our web presence, please inform us. We will promptly remove any illegal content and links upon becoming aware of them.